Thought Attacks

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It is estimated that our minds process approximately 6,200 single thoughts in a 24 hour period, many of which are slideshows of the past, worries about the future, and negative self talk about the present. Mind-blowing literally. It is no wonder so much mental anguish exits. While we are not our thoughts, they do affect our mood. And our mood affects our well being. But the good news is we do have the power to steer our thoughts. Like a car, we control the shift for our thoughts and therefore our perspective. As author Richard Carlson so aptly stated, “Our feelings are a direct consequence of our modes of thinking”. When you find yourself swirling with negative or sad thoughts, slow down, pause, and reset. Recognize it is just a thought and gently push it aside in deference for a different or happier thought. Several studies of happy people determined that in fact happiness has little to do with our circumstances and everything to do with our perspective. There is usually a positive in most every situation, and we can train our thoughts to actively seek it out.

Try it today. The next time you feel down, pause and recognize your thoughts. What created the sad mood? What screen slide shows were you passing through your mind? Try a reset and actively seek the positive perspective to keep the “thought attacks” away.

I believe we are inexplicably interconnected to all in this short journey of life and here to learn wisdom from one another while increasing our genuine compassion and love for others and evolving our souls for the greater good.

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